Chicago endnote citation
Chicago endnote citation

chicago endnote citation chicago endnote citation

Nunley, K athie. "The Caffeine Craze of Youth." Layered Curriculum. Kathie Nunley, "The Caffeine Craze of Youth," Layered Curriculum, accessed July 28, 2008. Publication date and/or access date if available. “Ti tle of Web Page.” Publishing Organization or Name of Website.

chicago endnote citation

Shortened note (after it has been used once):īibliographical Entry (don't forget to indent second and subsequent lines): Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page,” Publishing Organization or Name of Website, publication date and/or access date if available, URL. For detailed information please visit: 14.207: Citing web pages and websites. Chicago style also requires that you include the date you accessed the website and/or publication date (if available), and the website's URL. This information can be difficult to find on a website so you may have to look around a bit to find the information. Citing a website in Chicago style requires you to include much of the same information you would including in citing a print resource like author(s)/editor(s), title of website, publisher information, etc.

Chicago endnote citation